ISR on Media

Hong Kong International Airport has become the world's first airport featuring full-body disinfection channels, which rapidly zap viruses and bacteria on peo...
機場最近找來一位新成員協助抵抗疫情。這款Intelligent Sterilisation Robot (ISR)智能消毒機械人可全自動化移動,並以紫外線消毒燈﹑360度消毒噴頭及0.3um空氣過濾器,消滅在空氣中及物件表面上近99.99%的細菌及病毒,過程最快只需10分鐘。 此項技術由本地科研公司硏發,以往多用...

To further strengthen the protection of visitors and staff, Intelligent Sterilisation Robot (ISR) is deployed at AsiaWorld-Expo for comprehensive disinfection. The cutting-edge robot is equipped with multiple disinfection modes, featuring ultraviolet light steriliser, 360-degree disinfectant spray-heads and air filtration (HEPA), which can sterilise up to 99.99% of bacteria . Its 360-degree autonomous navigation technology helps to reach blind spots and ensure complete coverage. The ISR will be widely used to sterilise the facilities in AWE, keeping the air and object surfaces fully sanitised.

On Japanese Satellite Station

On Japanese Satellite Station

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